“Currently Into” Monthly Roundup: May 2017

If you’ve never checked it out, I have a page on this site called “Currently Into…” where I post the things I’m currently reading, writing, watching, or listening to. I update the page on the 1st, 11th, and 21st of every month, letting you know what’s new with me.

Because I change the page so frequently, but also know people might be interested in what I was doing earlier on in a particular month, I post a round-up of everything that was on it over the course of the last month. Since today marks the beginning of June, here’s the round-up for May.



Early May: Attachments by Rainbow Rowell and The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George

I finished Attachments finally, which I began in April, and I thought it was pretty good. I gave it a 4 star review, which you can read here. I then started George’s novel, but did not finish it until later in the month, which I discuss below.

Mid May: The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George

I finally trudged my way through this novel. It turned out to be a lot slower than I expected, so it took me a lot longer than I expected to finish it. I ended up not being a huge fan of this book, and found it a little boring, but I gave it 3 stars. You can read why in my review here.

Late May: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling

I kicked off my Harry Potter re-readathon late this month. I post updates about it every Tuesday and Saturday, so if you’re interested in those, just scroll through and you’re bound to see them. I am very much enjoying my journey back to Hogwarts so far.


Early May: I wrote nothing. Except this blog.

Mid May: I wrote nothing. Except this blog. And two huge journalism finals. I am now the proud author of a 3k article about bees.

Late May: I wrote nothing. Except this blog. (*Sigh* Yes, I am terrible, and my Camp NaNo novel deserves better. Maybe June will be better).

TV Shows

Early May: I watched more of Narcos, and almost finished it. For a show that I was reluctant to watch in the first place, I loved it. The storyline is intense and super interesting. I loved that it’s based on real events too, because that just made it even more intriguing to me. The main actor also reminded me a bit of Ryan Gosling in The Nice Guys, which is a nice bonus.

I also watched the entirety of a documentary series on Netflix called Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On, which talks about the impact that technology has had on the dating world and sex. It was a pretty interesting show, but most of the interest that I had in it came from laughing at all the shallow people they interviewed. I saw maybe only a couple level-headed people featured on the whole show, which is a bit sad, but also kind of funny.

The last show I watched is Rick and Morty, of which I almost finished the second season.  I love the show and can’t wait to keep watching. I think it’s my favorite cartoon that I’ve ever seen.

Mid May: I accidentally got into The Great British Baking Show. I was in a bad mood on a Saturday and wanted to distract myself with something mindless on TV, so I turned it on, and needless to say, not only did it improve my mood that day, but I was also hooked (and still am). I think it’s my favorite cooking show, and also my favorite competition show that I’ve ever seen. I watched an entire season during the week of finals, and will probably keep binge-watching it this summer.

I also watched a couple episodes of the first seasons of How I Met Your Mother and another show called Blue Mountain State, but didn’t continue into them. I watched them pretty much only because my boyfriend turned them on, and while I enjoyed them both, I was hesitant about watching HIMYM because I’ve heard that the ending of the show is pretty awful, Blue Mountain State has kind of a crude humor to it. I like it, but I’m not sure if I’d get tired of it after watching a couple more episodes.

Late May: My dad introduced me to a show called Mysteries at the Museum on the Travel channel though, which is surprisingly cool from a historical standpoint. They talk about different artifacts in museums and the stories behind them. I did not watch any other shows since coming home from college though.


Early May: I was in a music rut this part of the month. I listened to jazz though, because it’s the only music I can listen to while I read. The playlist “Calm Jazz” on Spotify was my go-to for this.

Mid May: I discovered a couple different artists to listen to after randomly clicking around on Spotify to see what my friends were listening to. I found a band called AJR that I’d never heard, and while I’m not really into their type of music, they had one song, called Buy You A Rose that I really liked. I also discovered a singer called Caro Emerald, who sings like, modern-jazzy songs. She’s actually pretty good, but I think that’s just the fact that I had been listening to regular jazz so much. Neither of them were new favorite artists of mine or anything, but they were something new to listen to.

Late May: I did not find any new music to listen to, but I got on an Ed Sheeran kick and have pretty much been listened to his albums on repeat, as I tend to do every couple months. It’s just so hard to get tired on his music when it’s SO GOOD. I also listened to some Twenty One Pilots, mainly my favorite songs by them.


Early May: I saw a movie on Netflix called Midnight Meat Train starring Bradley Cooper. It was a slasher/horror kind of movie, and based on the premise (a photographer becomes suspicious that a man is murdering people on the subway at night and wants to catch him), I was super excited to watch this movie in comparison to the other horror movies I watch with my boyfriend. And the movie was actually pretty good…up until the end. I don’t want to post spoilers, but let’s just say I thought it was going one way, and if it had gone the way I thought it was, I would have thought it was a pretty great movie. But it didn’t. It got weird and the end ruined this whole set-up they could have had for an awesome ending.

Mid May: The only movie I watched was Scream, which apparently is bad, because everyone I know was shocked I hadn’t seen it before. I did thoroughly enjoy it though, and I’m not usually one for horror movies. I thought it was suspenseful and interesting right from the beginning, and even though it got a little gory at times, I liked the mystery and the general plot of the movie. Though I think I’m going to be a lot more scared of people in the Scream masks come Halloween this year. If you, too, have never seen it, I would highly recommend it.

Late May: I saw Snatched in theaters, which was the new Amy Schumer/Goldie Hawn movie that came out. I’m not a huge fan of Schumer, so I wasn’t necessarily looking forward to seeing the movie in the first place, and I didn’t end up enjoying it either. The story basically followed Schumer’s character and her mom, played by Hawn, as they get kidnapped while on vacation in South America. There’s a lot of them wandering through the rainforest while making bad jokes. It’s not a movie I’d really recommend to watch at all, but if you’re determined to see it, at least save yourself the money and wait until it’s out on DVD or Netflix.

2 thoughts on ““Currently Into” Monthly Roundup: May 2017

  1. I accidentally got into a TV Show once. Storage Wars. Terrible show. Yet somehow I couldn’t stop watching it. 2 hours went by with me saying to myself, “This is dumb, I’m turning it off… as soon as I see what’s in this next locker!”

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    • I’ve seen that show before! I know what you mean by how addicting it can be. It’s one of those shows that you have to turn off as soon as you see it starting or you’ll never be able to leave.

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